Tuesday, 18 November 2014

First day at school!


So today was my first real day as living as an italian teenager and it was just amazing!
School begins at 8am, and we get on the bus at 7:30 - and I must say that the buses here are so clean and nice, it's a lovely change from the quality of the ones we have back home.
The bus stops about a kilometre from the school, and we walked through amazingly beautiful alleyways and streets and parks covered in autumn leaves ; it truly is breathtaking and I can't believe they get to see this scenery every day! 
In school, they have 4 or 5 hours a day, 6 days a week, and because I'm attending a "Liceo Classico", they take subjects such as Latin, Greek, Mathematics, History, Geography and English (so many languages!). Basically I spent the entire day not understanding a single thing from any of the teachers, until English in the last period of the day. The teacher had me talk about Australia, and then read a passage so the class could see what 'perfect English' sounded like, and then was asking me to point out proverbs and adverbs all of which I could not remember what they were... It was embarrassing to say the least. 
I met lots of lovely people, as well as some that I'd already met from Allegra's party the other day, and I am already starting to develop some good friendships! 
As school finishes at 1pm, the afternoon is free, and Allegra and I spent it watching Italian X Factor and Project Runway (or her watching and me reading because 'non capisco' (I don't understand)), and eating gnocchi. I really am loving living the italian life! 

In the evening, Allegra took me to her dance class of which we did modern and hip hop styles. It's good exercise, and I'll definitely need it with all this amazing food around! 

This experience is already so amazing... I don't think I'll ever be able to leave! 

Till next time,
Love Jen


  1. You are Living the moment darling, we are so excited when we read these blogs. Keep them coming when you can Xxxx

  2. Omg girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!
