Monday 12 January 2015

Little Italian Adventures

DAY 58 : 11 January 2015

In three days time it will be exactly 2 months since I left Australia, which leaves me with only one month left of this magnificent trip! I honestly cannot believe that I'm already two-thirds of the way through when it feels like just yesterday I had reached the one month mark. I'm not yet ready to leave this land of pasta, pizza, gelato, pastries, cobblestone roads, multicoloured houses, millions of dogs, amazing sceneries and my wonderful host family. 8 weeks down, 5 to go, and a whole lifetime's worth of memories.

Anyway, my past week...

This Wednesday was the end of Christmas break, and the start of school again. So my week has basically consisted of school, food, home with occasional trips into the centre to do some more eating or shopping. School is...bland, I guess. The only subjects I like (and understand) are English and Gym. I got given an English test during the week, that the whole class had to do. It consisted of having words written, for example "Went/Michael/party/to the/yesterday" and had to rearrange it into an English sentence that made sense. It was rather easy for me (for obvious reasons), but it was quite amusing to see everyone looking so puzzled! At the end however, there was a section of translating italian to english, and it was my turn to be puzzled! I am quite proud that I was able to fully translate 3 of the 6 sentences, and could do half of the other three - my up to 25 hours a week of just italian practice is paying off! 

On Saturday night, Allegra and I went to Fiera to see Francesca and her display in "Udine Sposa", which is a wedding expo that takes place every year. We wandered around, handed out flyers for Francesca's shop, then went for dinner at about 9pm and ate fabulous gnocchi and pannacotta. 

On Sunday, as Dario was in Austria, and Francesca had the wedding expo,  Callie's family offered to take me out with them for a trip to the nearby town of Cividale. We visited a few museums and such, but the real beautiful part was the bridge that connected the two halves of the town!

Some photos of Cividale (and the bridge)..

That's all I've got for now!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Buon Giorno Bella
    Well thank you again Jenny for that beautiful blog and amazing photos. We have lived every moment with you. Just remember when you say "arrivederci' to you beautiful family and Italy it does not mean goodbye because to the Italians it means " until we meet again" , and I have no doubt that you will go back again one day,xxxx love youπŸŒΈπŸŒΉπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ“·πŸŽ­πŸΈπŸ•πŸ§
