Saturday 14 February 2015


DAY 92 : 13 February 2015

Today was my final day in the land of pizza, pasta and gelato. I've had three months filled with excitement, adventures and travels, and I honestly had the time of my life.
 90 days ago I got on a plane and flew 16 200 km away to a country I'd never been to, with people I've never met, and a language I didn't speak. And it was amazing. It opened my eyes to not only to incredible country of Italy, but showed me what I am capable of. I've been thrown out of my comfort zone more times than I can count, and I lived a life in a world that is completely different to my own. I've seen the quote somewhere - "Exchange isn't  a few months in your life, it's a life in a few months" - and it honestly couldn't be more true. In a mere few months I've made a new life - family, friends, Udine - and I am so sad to leave tomorrow.
I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have even had this experience in the first place, and it has left me with enough memories and experiences and adventures to last a lifetime.

A photo of my class from my last day of school today ..

And a quick appreciation photo for these girls, who were the best friends I made over here, and the people I'll miss the most. Last night they threw me a surprise going away party - 20 people showed up to say goodbye, and it was just incredible. So sad to leave them!

I am so appreciative of everyone who was a part of making this experience what it was, from my dear mother back at home for signing the papers (and paying the $$$), and my family and friends here in Italy. 

I can't believe it's really over. I'm not ready to go!!!!!

I'm going to miss every little thing about this place. Thanks for having me Italy - I've had the time of my life, and I'll be back.

PS - a quick apology to the people of Italy for completely butchering your wonderful language with my horrific pronunciation for the last 3 seems that the one thing I couldn't figure out in Italy was the actual language...

Well that's it from me, my final blog! See you soon 'straya.


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